This month we have been working on a container to Kiribati in partnership with Counties Manukau Health.

Kiribati, officially Republic of Kiribati is an island nation in the central Pacific Ocean.  The 33 islands that make up Kiribati are scattered over 2900km, and only two thirds of them are inhabited.  The capital of Kiribati is Tarawa, an atoll in the Gilbert Islands. Bairiki, an islet of Tarawa, serves as an administrative centre.

Kiribati is seeing rising numbers of communicable diseases, such as pneumonia, hepatitis, and skin infections. Non-communicable diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure, are also prevalent. There are also geographic challenges. They must distribute supplies to outer islands in a timely manner, which can be challenging as our islands are scattered across the ocean. The referral hospital is on the main island which creates challenges when it comes to emergency health situations and making sure patients can reach the main island.

On top of the need for improved healthcare, Kiribati is facing significant challenges due to rising sea levels. Check out this video by WHO which tells you a little more.

The equipment we are sending is a mix of equipment donated by hospitals and health providers here, and equipment purchased by Counties Manukau Health via our partners at Cubro and Fisher and Paykel Healthcare.  In addition to medical equipment, this container also containers a range of furniture and equipment for the nurses training station, some of which has been sourced from All Heart.  The container we’re sending will be staying in Kiribati where it can be used for storage and converted into usable space.  We’re delighted to be able to do this as a result of our relationship with Container Co.

We’re delighted to be working with CMH and our fantastic supply partners on this project.  Can’t wait to share the stories of its arrival in Kiribati in a few weeks’ time.

Boxes in the container bound for Kiribati
Boxes containing furniture bound for Kiribati